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Background Review

Table of contents

  1. Notations
  2. Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Optimization
    1. The Gradient Vector
    2. The Chain Rule (in calculus)
    3. Positive Semidefiniteness (PSD) and Positive Definiteness (PD)
    4. Convexity and Strong Convexity
    5. Optimal Solutions and Uniqueness
  3. Probability and Statistics
    1. Concepts related to a single distribution
      1. Basics and formulae
      2. Fundamental Distributions
      3. Jensen’s Inequality
      4. Max likelihood and Max log likelihood
    2. Concepts involving multiple distributions
      1. Conditional probability
      2. The Chain Rule (in probability)
      3. Marginal Independence
      4. Bayes’ Rule
      5. Conditional Independence
      6. Importance sampling
      7. KL divergence


  • Data matrix is of the size $(n,d)$ where $n$ is the number of data points, and $d$ is the dimension of the features
  • Vectors are denoted with a small-case letter; matrices capital letters
  • The default norm of a vector is the $l_2$ norm

Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Optimization

The Gradient Vector

The Chain Rule (in calculus)

Positive Semidefiniteness (PSD) and Positive Definiteness (PD)

Positive semidefinite(ness) and the variants are extremely important concepts in optimization. For example, they have direct implications on whether a point is a local minimum.

For now, let us try to review these concepts on their own; starting with PSD. Recall that:

An $n \times n$ symmetric real matrix $A$ is said to be positive semidefinite (i.e., $A \succeq 0$) if $x^{T} A x \geq 0$ for all $x$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$.

This definition requires checking the sign of the left-hand-side $x^{T} A x$ for all possible $x$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ to establish $A \succeq 0$; not an easy task in general. Luckily there are many equivalent conditions that allow us to more efficiently/computationally check the PSD property. Specifically, the following are all equivalent:

  • $A \succeq 0$
  • All $2^{n}-1$ principal minors of $A$ are nonnegative. (The so-called Sylvester’s criterion)
  • All eigenvalues of $A$ are nonnegative.
  • There exists a factorization $A=B^{T} B$.

The story is analogous for positive definiteness (PD).

An $n \times n$ symmetric real matrix $A$ is said to be positive definite (i.e., $A \succ 0$) if $x^{T} A x > 0$ for all $x$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ and $x\neq 0$.

And similarly, the following are all equivalent conditions (some are more ``actionable’’ than the definition):

  • $A \succ 0$
  • All $n$ leading principal minors of $A$ are positive. (Note that Sylvester’s conditions for PD and PSD are majorly different)
  • All eigenvalues of $A$ are positive.
  • There exists a factorization $A=B^{T} B$ where $B$ is square and non-singular.

We will skip the details for negative semi-definite ($A\preceq 0$) and negative definite ($A\prec 0$), because, e.g., $A\preceq 0$ if and only if $-A\succeq 0$ (convince yourself of this); so understanding the PSD/PD case is enough.

Convexity and Strong Convexity

  • Convexity definition
  • Strong convexity definition
  • If a function is strongly convex, it is convex.

Quadratic functions’ Convexity Property

Optimal Solutions and Uniqueness

Some quick facts:

  • If a function is convex, and this function has any local minima, then all of those local minima are global minima. Note that such local/global minima are not necessarily unique.
  • If a function is strongly convex, and this function has any local minima, then the following are true:
    • any local minima must be unique, that is, there can only exist a single unique local minimum
    • this local minimum is a global minimum
    • this local minimum is a unique global minimum

Probability and Statistics

Basics and formulae

  • The notions of random variable, expectation, variance, entropy.
  • Union bounds
  • Concentration inequalities: Markov’s Inequality, Chernoff bound, Hoeffding’s inequality
  • (Weak) law of large numbers

Fundamental Distributions

Discrete Distributions PMFs (Probability Mass Functions)

  • Discrete uniform with parameters $a$ and $b$, where $a$ and $b$ are integers with $a<b$. Here, \(p_X(k)=1 /(b-a+1), \quad k=a, a+1, \ldots, b,\) and $p_X(k)=0$, otherwise. (In the remaining examples, the qualification “ $p_X(k)=0$, otherwise,” will be omitted brevity.)

  • Bernoulli with parameter $p$, where $0 \leq p \leq 1$. Here, $p_X(0)=p, p_X(1)=$ $1-p$.

  • Binomial with parameters $n$ and $p$, where $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $p \in[0,1]$. Here,

\[p_X(k)=\left(\begin{array}{l} n \\ k \end{array}\right) p^k(1-p)^{n-k}, \quad k=0,1, \ldots, n\]

Continuous Distributions PDFs (Probability Density Functions)

  • 1D Gaussian
  • Multivariate Gaussian

Jensen’s Inequality

Max likelihood and Max log likelihood

MLE for Gaussian

We have data $x_1,\ldots,x_N$ sampled from a distribution. The goal is to learn the distribution. The assumption is that the data is generated from a Gaussian distribution $\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$. Then the refined goal is to learn the mean and variance. How to learn (parameters, mean and variance)?

A common method is maximum likelihood (ML), that is, choose the parameters that maximize $\mathbb{P}(\text{data}|\text{parameters})$. In this problem, to choose mean, variance from samples, the likelihood is

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}\left(x_1,\ldots,x_N|\mu,\sigma^2\right)=&\prod_{i=1}^N\mathbb{P}\left(x_i|\mu,\sigma^2\right) \\ =&\prod_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{(2\pi\sigma^2)^{1/2}}\exp\left(-\frac{(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right). \end{aligned}\]

Maximizing likelihood is same as maximizing logarithm of likelihood. This leads to

\[\max_{\mu,\sigma^2} g(\mu,\sigma^2),\]

where \(g(\mu,\sigma^2)=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^N(x_i-\mu)^2-N\ln\sigma -N\ln\sqrt{2\pi}.\) This is an optimization problem and its solution is what we desire. For such reasons, optimization is an integral part of Machine Learning. The ML estimation for variance (and standard deviation) is biased. This leads to the Bessel’s correction for variance:

\[\tilde{\sigma}^2_{\rm ML}=\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i-\mu_{\rm ML})^2.\]

Concepts involving multiple distributions

Conditional probability

Consider a probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$, and an event $B \in \mathcal{F}$ with $\mathbb{P}(B)>0$. For every event $A \in \mathcal{F}$, the conditional probability that $A$ occurs given that $B$ occurs is denoted by $\mathbb{P}(A \mid B)$ and is defined by

\[\mathbb{P}(A \mid B)=\frac{\mathbb{P}(A \cap B)}{\mathbb{P}(B)}.\]

The Chain Rule (in probability)

By simply reversing the definition of conditional probability (above), we arrive at the Chain Rule:

\[P(A \cap B)=P(A \mid B) P(B)\]

Marginal Independence

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space. Two events, $A$ and $B$, are said to be independent if

\[\mathbb{P}(A \cap B)=\mathbb{P}(A) \mathbb{P}(B).\]

If $\mathbb{P}(B)>0$, an equivalent condition is

\[\mathbb{P}(A)=\mathbb{P}(A \mid B).\]

Note: Given marginal independence of two random variables, their joint distribution is the product of the individual marginal distribution. As an immediate consequence of this fact, given marginal independence of two random variables, the entropy of their joint distribution is equal to the sum of their individual entropies.

Bayes’ Rule

Let $A$ be an event with $\mathbb{P}(A)>0$. If the events $B_i, i \in \mathbb{N}$, form a partition of $\Omega$, and $\mathbb{P}\left(B_i\right)>0$ for every $i$, then

\[\mathbb{P}\left(B_i \mid A\right)=\frac{\mathbb{P}\left(B_i\right) \mathbb{P}\left(A \mid B_i\right)}{\mathbb{P}(A)}=\frac{\mathbb{P}\left(B_i\right) \mathbb{P}\left(A \mid B_i\right)}{\sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \mathbb{P}\left(B_j\right) \mathbb{P}\left(A \mid B_j\right)}\]

Conditional Independence

  • Comparison with marginal independence

Importance sampling

KL divergence

KL divergence is a measure of the dissimilarity between two probability distributions; it quantifies how one probability distribution diverges from another. The quantity we’re after, \(KL(P \| Q)\), measures the information lost when using Q to approximate P. (In more technical information-theory language, it calculates the extra amount of information needed to encode data from P using a code optimized for Q.)

Given two discrete probability distributions $P$ and $Q$, the KL divergence between $P$ and $Q$ is defined as:

\[KL(P \| Q)= - \sum_x P(x) \log \left(\frac{Q(x)}{P(x)}\right)\]

(for continuous random variables, the summation in the definition is to be replaced by the integral.)

Some useful properties of KL divergence:

  1. Non-negativity: \(KL(P \| Q) \geq 0\), with equality if and only if P and Q are identical.
  2. Lack of symmetry: \(KL(P \| Q) \neq KL(Q \| P)\) in general.